20 Feet Office Document Archive Container
We sell 20' Feet Office Containers for work spaces with archive/document storage displays, here are the specifications for 20' Feet Document Archive Office Containers as follows:
Container condition 80% ex CW shipping
- Frame using wood/galvalum (according to order)
- Full insulation using glasswooll
- 4 mm melamine walls/roof omega trim cover & aluminum elbows
- Ceramic/granite/vinyl/parquet flooring (according to order)
- 1 Container plate leaf door plus glass/aluminum (according to order)
- 2 extra aluminum frame sliding glass windows for counters
- 2 LED light points 1x18 watt
- 1 Unit AC split 1 PK (Polytron, Samsung, Sharp, Daikin, Panasonic, eq..) / according to order
- 1 8" exhaust unit (Maspion, KDK, Panasonic, eq..) / according to order
- Exterior paint color upon request
- 2 SNI free socket points
- 1 SNI series switch point
- 1 Box Presto MCB (2 groups of MCB 10 A SNI)
- 1 Surface mount/power plug 16A/3 feet
- Hanging wall cabinet for storing archives (size to order)
- 4 pieces of concrete foundation
- 1 iron ladder
These are the specifications for the 20' Feet Office Container for Document Archives that we usually work on, and we accept any changes or additions with special designs according to requests/orders.